Thursday, April 1, 2010

Weekend's Here! Good God Almighty!

"Let's get drunk and be somebody!"

No, not really. I'm just quoting a song. I have no idea who sings it, but it's a country song...


As tomorrow is Good Friday (still don't know why the kooky Christians named the day their savior perished in a gruesome and painful manner "good"...), we have no school! I will be using that day to go shopping with my mom and grandmom. Fun!

On a totally unrelated note, the weather is bloody GORGEOUS! After all that rain too... well, you know what us New Englanders say: "If you don't like the weather, wait five minutes and it'll change." I may go out and read in the sunshine for a bit before it turns nasty again.

Today, we were SUPPOSED to have drama rehearsal, but I was the only one who showed up. So I read over my monologue and some other stuff, and then the school nurse, Mrs. Gwin, was nice enough to give me a ride home.

Yeah, this post is kinda random and vague and weird but I'm in a weird mood. Hyper and tired all at once. Kinda like someone slipped me some Nyquil... oh well. I'll wrap up this post now 'cause I'm too lazy to type more and there isn't much else to tell...



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