Wednesday, April 21, 2010

My Latest Project.

So, for a long time now, I've been really wanting to get a deck of Tarot cards. Why? They interest me. I want to learn to do readings both for myself and for others (I could even charge people other than my friends for it and make a bit of extra cash!)

Now, I've looked at a few decks, but there were very few that really drew my fancy. One or two was really nice, but I either couldn't afford them or they just weren't right.

Finally, I just decided that it would be easier to just MAKE a deck! I've looked up all 78 of the cards, wrote the names on index cards, and I'm in the process of sketching borders around each of them. Once I've finished with that, I'll be the drawing pictures on them with watercolor pencils. It's altogether a painstaking progress in that I am very OCD and if the pictures don't come out to my satisfaction I'll freak out and redo them... well, I'll keep you posted!

If anyone who cares enough to read this (very few) wants me to do a reading for them (fewer) when I'm done, just let me know!


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