Sunday, April 4, 2010

Finally home...

I have returned from the land of cousins and food and sweet old italian ladies!

AKA, my dad's house.

Easter was ok. I woke up, texted Eliz/Laurel that Jesus was only MOSTLY dead (I watched "The Princess Bride" with my Nani last night...), took a shower, put on a pretty dress, and spent the better part of an hour trying to untangle the chain of a necklace that Nani gave me until my cousins arrived.

I have awesome cousins (even though my favorite of the three is getting far too grown up at thirteen...). We discussed books we'd read, played several intense games of Egyptian Ratscrew, and watched some cartoons until the food was ready.

On the subject of food, I declined the main meat dish of lamb as I don't fancy eating baby sheep and discovered the amazingness of Irish Potatoes, of which I had three helpings.

Now I am home, relaxing and hoping that one of my awesome friends will be online and decide to talk to me. Not a bad day.


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