Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Grrr. Argh.

I hate idiocy. HATE IT.

I am a huge fan of Joss Whedon (creator of "Buffy", "Firefly", etc). I had heard him referred to as a feminist, and as my thesis paper is on feminism, I went to the all-powerful Google. And I found an essay that someone posted on their blog.

What. A load. Of BULLSHIT!

The author obviously went into "Firefly" (my absolute FAVORITE show) looking for evidence of sexism (racism too, but we'll get to that...)

This person took the actions and dialogue of the characters, twisted them up all ass-backwards, and tried to claim that Joss is a misogynist rapist. That female characters are oppressed, silenced, and abused. That the black woman married to a white man cannot POSSIBLY be loved. That a high-class, intelligent woman could not POSSIBLY be happy with her life because her job entails having sex with her clients. Despite claiming to have done their research, they missed important key elements of the series that make it obviously contrary to what the author claims.

I just... UGH!

I get so frustrated by the utter wrongness of these statements that I can't even think! When I've cooled down and my head is clearer, I'll write a post dissecting and disproving what this misandrist racist says. Hopefully, I can get the EGE to co-author, as he's just as displeased with this as I am.



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