Thursday, May 20, 2010

I Hate Obscenely Difficult Logic Puzzles...

Mostly because I'm not very logical...

I found a bunch on the xkcd wiki. Here's the link:

These are insane! Some of 'em you'd have to be a rutting genius to understand! (not a single word, EGE...) A lot of them require a metric fuckton (phrase stolen from the EGE) of math to solve.


I solved exactly none of them. I'm not really surprised but come on! There has to be one that even someone of average intelligence could solve!


Here are two that I really like just because they make no sense:

1. A mathematician enters a bar and starts chatting with the bartender. The bartender tells him about his three daughters, and when he is asked about their age, he decides to make it a bit more interesting, as he is interested in mathematics as well. He says, “The product of their ages is 72.” The mathematician answers, “OK, but that didn’t help a lot.” — “Then I should tell you that the sum of their ages is equal to the street number of this bar.” The mathematician leaves the bar, returns, and says, “Great, but I still don’t know their age.” The bartender smiles and says, “My youngest daughter really likes strawberry ice cream.” Now the mathematician knows their ages.

How old are the three daughters? (Think of age as an integer of the number of years.)

2. A mother is 21 years older than her child. The mother's age in six years will be exactly five times the child's age in six years. Where is the father?

I can't figure them out, and if you can... well, good for fricken you! Gorram smartass...

That's my rant of the day...



  1. i think the doughters in the first one are actually drinks and the 72 is minuets not years. the reason (Strawberry dakery) as to the actual #'s there is insficiant info. or it is some code and i am completly wrong.

  2. Wow... that's an interesting way to look at it...

  3. So, I guess I have cracked it!!!...get combination of 3 no.'s with product 72...around 11 trio's will come out...out of them only 2 (2*6*6 and 3*3*18) will have same sum bcs of which bartender couldn't guess even after knowing the street no...but when told youngest daughter likes strawberry he knew it was 2,6,6 ...I believe you know why !!!
