Some awesome pics from yesterday's rehearsal of the drama department's Star Wars cabaret! Awesome pics for an awesome show! I may put up some more tomorrow...

The girls of the show! Left to Right: Tori, Hannah (with a Princess Leia figurine...) and Me!

Me in my Princess Leia costume with a random stuffed cat (don't ask).

Me with a fuzzy pink journal which I will read from for "The Princess Leia Diaries".

Cast pic! (Well, minus James...) Clockwise from top left: Tori, Hannah, Tang, Me, Nate.

Nate (left) and James (right) practicing their scene from "Clerks"

Tori (left) and Hannah (right) dueling.
Me in my Luke Skywalker costume (yes, I play both Luke AND Leia) dueling Tang while Nate (the Emperor) watches....
James practicing for the "Clerks" scene.
Nate doing his "Papa Palpatine" skit... VERY amusing!

I love group shots! Left to right: Hannah, Tori, Tang, Me, and Nate.

Cast plus our director Kato! Left to right: Tori (with an odd blue plushie on her head), Kato, Hannah, Tang, Me, and Nate shoved out of frame.
Another group shot! Hannah (with Darth Vader and Leia figurines), Me, Tang, Nate, and Tori!
And that are all the pics I'm posting for the night! Bask in their amazingness!
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