Today, as a sort of last minute thing, I went with my friends Cela and Tara (who is my oldest and bestest buddy. Seriously. We've known each other since we were like, eight) to find some shoes to go with my prom dress. It turned into an epic drive around Mystic full of fun and randomness.
First we went to Bass Outlet, where we found these gorgeous dark brown sandals that strap around the ankle. They are probably the highest heels I've successfully walked in. They look absolutely AMAZING with my prom dress and I cannot wait to go to prom all dolled up and show those dumb boys who rejected me what they missed out on!
Next, we checked out this awesome consignment shop that was just FULL of these really awesome dresses. Some of them looked really old-fashioned, but most of them were still really pretty. So, just for the hell of it, the three of us decide to try to climb into these monstrosities that would take a dozen slaves a dozen days to get us into. There was this really beautiful giant gold dress with this ridiculous petticoat and train, and I loved it, but it didn't fit me. But that's ok because I already have a really pretty prom dress!
After that, we went to Angie's Resturant, ate ridiculous amounts of food, and me and Tara danced around like drunkards while Cela pretended she didn't know us.
Then, we went to my mom's boyfriend's apartment to scout out if it would be a good place to have a party (since he generously offered it for both the Cast Party for the drama show and my "End of the Year" party). It passed inspection, and me and the girls acted like little kids for a bit (I tried to eat Cela a couple times...) and then we went for ice cream at the Drawbridge. Because Drawbridge Ice Cream kicks ass. I had a Caramel Lover's sundae. Once you get down the bottom of it, you're just eating straight caramel.... yum!
Finally, we went to drop off Tara, but my mom got caught up in a conversation with Tara's mom and we wound up staying there for like an hour, but that was ok, because we got to play with Tara's puppies. (Puppies = smiles). When we finally got around to leaving, we dropped Cela off, came home, and now here I am...
And that was my day! Which was awesome. Happy. :D